Photovoltaics - Electricity from solar energy

Stadler has set itself the goal of constantly reducing its energy requirements. A large proportion of CO2 emissions are caused by energy consumption during production. This also represents an effective measure to combat rising energy costs.

Photovoltaics - Electricity from solar energy

At its own plants, Stadler is endeavouring to use more low-emission energy, e. g. electricity from hydropower or district heating with a high proportion of renewable energy, to install photovoltaic systems (PV) and to reduce the use of fossil fuels (natural gas or heating oil), which are currently still predominant.

Several locations have recently put PV systems into operation or are planning to do so. The Berlin site is just one example. The entire plant is powered by a photovoltaic system that covers the site’s full electricity requirements and therefore the entire value chain.

One of the largest photovoltaic systems in Berlin

At the end of 2023, a total of 14,000 square metres of modules have been installed. The system produces up to 3,000 megawatt hours of electricity per year, making it one of the largest photovoltaic systems in Berlin. By way of comparison, the system can produce as much electricity per year as the average annual consumption of 750 to 800 single-family homes. The surplus electricity (approx. 20 percent) is fed into the local supply grid.

The measure in Berlin will have a positive impact on the Scope 1 emissions value and will help Stadler to reduce harmful emissions.

Further investments in photovoltaics planned

A PV system was put into operation at the Winterthur site in 2024 that will produce around 275,000 kilowatt hours of electricity. This is enough to cover around 8 percent of the plant’s own electricity requirements. Investments in PV power are also planned at the Polish sites in Siedlce and Sroda. In Siedlce, a PV system with a power output of around 600 kilowatt hours is planned for 2025. In Sroda, there are plans to purchase PV electricity from a ground-mounted PV system that will cover 20 percent of electricity requirements. The PV electricity at the Polish sites will have a particularly positive climate effect, as it will replace CO2-intensive electricity from coal-fired power plants.