Here you will find all Stadler's relevant documents summarised in one place.
Publications & Presentations
Here you can find all important documents for the supply chain area at Stadler.
Stadler Bussnang AG
Stadler Rheintal AG
Stadler Deutschland GmbH
Stadler Kazakhstan LLP
Supplier questionnaire
Stadler Winterthur AG
Stadler Signalling AG
General terms and conditions of procurement Signalling Deutschland GmbH
General terms and conditions of procurement Signalling Mannheim GmbH
Stadler Rail Service Deutschland GmbH
Procurement and order conditions
Stadler Service Hungary
General terms of procurement
Stadler Deutschland GmbH
NEW Delivery adress
Checklist for outgoing inspection of a delivery
Stadler Valencia S.A.U.
General packaging standards
Packaging and transport polyester parts
Packaging specifactions axles, wheels and gearboxes
Stadler US Inc.
Supplier instruction / Transport specifications
Stadler Kazakhstan LLP
Packaging and shipping guidelines
Stadler Minsk
Packaging and shipping guidelines
Other documents
Politika Integrovaneho systemu managementu
Środa Wielkopolska
Plan Podzialu Spolki
Informacja o realizowanej strategii podatkowej za rok podatkowy od 1 stycznia 2023 r. do 31 grudnia 2023 r.
Stadler Group companies in Switzerland - clients and suppliers
Stadler Signalling Deutschland GmbH – clients and suppliers
Stadler Deutschland GmbH, Stadler Chemnitz GmbH, Stadler Rail Service Deutschland GmbH - clients and suppliers
Media releases and news
Viedo monitoring of factory premises Bussnang and Erlen
Viedo monitoring of factory premises Biel
Viedo monitoring of factory premises St. Margrethen
Job Subscription
Compliance Reporting Channels
Application as supplier
Global Database
Stadler Środa - Polityka prywatności
Stadler Service Polska SP. z o.o. - Polityka Prywatności
Articles of Association
Articles of Association